About Wilber


Wilber is approximately 12 years old. He weighs 16 pounds (maybe 17) and is a mixed breed.

He really does sit like that, all the time.

He loves tuna fish, chasing mice, and taking naps.

He likes his picture taken and will meow on cue.

He is always friendly with houseguests.

He loves to eat ice cream, but is not allowed.

He likes to lick plastic bags from the grocery store.

He will meow the entire time when he is taken anywhere in a car.

He was named after philosopher Ken Wilber by his original owner.

He mysteriously got out of the house and was found in the bushes late one night.

Wilber's vet is Indian Valley Animal Hospital in Souderton, PA.

This video is a really good example of what Wilber is like when he isn’t filming episodes of his show:

© Eric Moyer 2014